PUBG developer wants to make movies and cartoons based off of game

A PUBG movie could be coming in the near future.

PUBG has been dominating the gaming scene throughout 2017 and will likely continue to do so going into the new year. The game has boasted incredible success on Xbox and Steam with a record-breaking 3 million concurrent players on Steam, becoming the fourth most played game on Xbox, and more.

With its great success, it has attracted the attention of a number of high profile Hollywood studios including Netflix. According to PUBG Corp CEO Chang Han Kim, the company is looking to expand the game’s brand with films, cartoons, and other forms of media.

“I’d like PUBG to become a universal media franchise based on the game. We want to take part in diverse industries including Esports, movies, drama, cartoons, animation, and more. In fact, we received a couple of love calls from a number of developers in Hollywood and Netflix. Our dream is to build a new game-based culture through various ways like this, and have the lead of that culture.”

It’s unclear if any deals have been made or when we might begin to see some other PUBG content in other entertainment mediums but one has to imagine it will be in the next few years so everyone can cash in on the hype.

PUBG is out now on Xbox One and PC but the company has expressed interest in bringing the game to other consoles at a later date.