PUBG has taken the world by storm since it launched on PC earlier this year. It has sold over 20 million copies on PC alone and only just left early access the other day. PUBG has managed to make a name for itself in a number of online communities and was later brought to Xbox One where it has seen great success.
PUBG’s performance on consoles has been controversial with some saying it should have been more polished, despite it being in early access on Xbox One. Even with the game under a bit of fire for having some rough edges, it is still managing to sell extraordinarily well.
Right now, the game is the fourth most played game on the console behind Fortnite: Battle Royale (free to play), GTA V, and Call of Duty: WWII in the United States. It also boasts being the top paid game on the platform, thanks to its $30 price point.
It’s likely the game will continue to stride in 2018 as the game got two significant performance updates in the last week and there are certainly more to come. As the game irons out its issues and gets more features that are available on PC, PUBG’s Xbox One counterpart will surely hold a top place in the console’s most played games.
PUBG is out now on Xbox One and PC.