Quantum Break story and gameplay detailed at Spike VGX

Quantum Break is one of those games that are mostly shrouded in mystery, outside of knowing it will also have a show tied to it, much like Defiance does.

The story involves a time travel experiment that goes terribly wrong and creates time anomalies which make time skip forward and backward. These time anomalies are tied to the gameplay because they create intense set pieces for the player.

The gameplay itself is a third person action game, with cinematic gun play and cover mechanics. The player will also have access to a number of Time Powers which haven't been fully detailed but will involve rewinding and fast forwarding time. These powers will be used to take down Monarch, which is the corporation in the game.

The developers stated that they were able to create digital copies of their actors, making them look as visually stunning and as real as possible.

Quantum Break hasn't been given an official release date, but is looking to be pretty awesome.