Before PSVR had its official name, and still went by Project Morpheus, we got a peek at a tech demo titled Summer Lesson, where a player was able to interact with a cute blonde girl by either shaking or nodding their head. It seemed pretty basic, but was mostly built to showcase that even basic communication could be done with a character in a VR game. It certainly didn't oversell it like Project Milo did during the Kinect reveal. Good on you Bandai.
The tech demo, or possibly game in this case, has officially been trademarked in Europe on January 6, 2016. This could mean that Bandai is actually considering, or perhaps already considered, making this an actual game, and releasing it to the masses outside of Japan. Whether or not it would come to the US is still in the air, but having a possible European release would certainly increase the odds.
What would the game entail though? Great question. I can't possibly see a full retail-priced game revolve simply around nodding your head to interact with a cute girl through VR. Bandai would certainly have their work cut out for them. And as strange as the premise seems, there is certainly a market for games like this (me).