Since MLB The Show is exclusive to PlayStation, R.B.I. Baseball is the next best thing for baseball fans on other platforms craving a good video game based on America's favorite past time. Although the series has been around since the 1980s, it went dormant for nearly 20 years until it made a return in 2014 on current-gen consoles. The series is a more "arcadey" baseball game in line with old-school baseball titles. It's not a serious simulator like The Show, it's just a fun baseball you can sit down and enjoy in a short period of time.
For those looking to take their baseball experience on the go with them, R.B.I. Baseball 17 will make its way to Nintendo Switch on September 5th. The game will feature over a 1,000 MLB players and 30 ballparks for players to play in.
The game will cost $29.99, a $10 increase from the Xbox One and PS4 versions.While the team behind the title haven't outright given the reason for this, many publishers are charging more due to the cost of cartridges and the number of people who actually own a Switch.
The addition of R.B.I. Baseball 17 to the Switch library means that the console will have a baseball game, a soccer game (FIFA 18), and basketball game (NBA 2K18) this fall. EA has not committed to bringing a Madden game yet but it's possible that they will next year.