Rachel McAdams prefers DC’s Black Orchid over offered role in Doctor Strange

McAdams has come so far since The Notebook

It was rumored that Rachel McAdams was offered a role in the upcoming Marvel movie Doctor Strange. If she took the role it would have landed her beside Benedict Cumberbatch (as the Sorcerer SupremeChiwetel Ejiofor w(as Baron Mordo) and Tilda Swinton (the Ancient One).

Whether or not she will appear in the film is unclear, but one thing is clear: McAdam's would rather find herself portraying Black Orchid from DC Comics. If you're unfamiliar with Black Orchid, she has been a part of both the Suicide Squad and Justice League Dark. McAdams suggests she would like to portray Neil Gaiman's Black Orchid, which is interesting because it's a three-part miniseries on Black Orchid's backstory – but that's not the only interesting part. 

What's neat is that this miniseries from Neil Gaiman killed off the main character in the first few panels and had her clones take up her role. Anyway, here's the quote from McAdam's' (via LA Times' Amy Kaufman):

That's sort of super early days and I don't know where that's gonna go, if it's gonna go anywhere at all.

I'm certainly not a comic book snob. I really enjoy them and reading them, I think the Doctor Strange franchise is really interesting and Benedict is amazing. And I love graphic novels. I love that they are coming to light. I always wanted to make "Black Orchid."  It's a tough one. But the fact that Doctor Strange is happening makes me think there's hope for more Neil Geiman out there.

Black Orchid