Breaking news! You know the mushroom-like individuals from the Super Mario series/Mario Universe? Toad and Toadette, you know who I’m talking about, right?
Well, there’s an interesting tidbit about those two creatures that hail from the Mushroom Kingdom…They aren’t mushrooms and they have no specified gender.
In an interview with GameSpot, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, producer Koichi Hayashida had a couple reveals to make about Toad and Toadette: “This is maybe a little bit of a strange story, but we never really went out of our way to decide on the sex of these characters, even though they have somewhat gendered appearances…But I think what I can say is that Toadette and Toad are not siblings — perhaps it would be more accurate to say they are adventure pals. And that’s certainly true here [in Captain Toad].”
During the interview Hayashida made it clear that Toad and Toadette aren’t mushrooms, even though they look it.
The conspiracy theorist in me wants to say that this is some kind of PR stunt to bring awareness to Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. I mean, if they didn’t decide on a gender of Toad and Toadette, why give one pink pigtails and a skirt – game after game after game? Why make them look like mushrooms and call their home the Mushroom Kingdom?!
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