If you're wondering about Republique, the stealth-action game from Camouflaq that hit its Kickstarter goal in May by a hair and was supposed to release this summer, studio head Ryan Payton is assuring fans that it should arrive in December.
"We haven't announced anything yet, and while we still don't know the official street date just yet, the game's probably going to be coming out in December," he told Red Bull UK.
Republique is ambitious because it was imagined as a rare triple-A experience for touch-screen mobile devices. PC and Mac versions were announced later in the campaign, which no doubt helped crowdfunding push past the target goal of $500,000. It wasn't looking likely for a while there.
And then the expected June release window came and went.
"I think our June 2013 release date was the most optimistic we could have put on our Kickstarter, and I think what we've realized is that one, it sucks for Kickstarter backers, as there's definitely a precedent for things taking longer," said Payton.
"I felt that the community is in general pretty forgiving about teams asking for more time though, and every time we brought up a delay with our backers, it was universally accepted, and positive and supportive. They just like being looped in and informed of it. And that's key."
Via: Polygon