In 2002, Capcom's massively popular zombie video game franchise was given a movie adaptation from Paul W.S. Anderson. It wasn't great but it wasn't awful, the movie spawned a number of sequels which progressively got worse and worse until it barely represented the video game franchise. The movies continued to get sequels due to how well they did overseas and because some people just went and saw them because they're so bad it's funny.
The final film in the series released earlier this year and pulled in $312 million dollars at the worldwide box office making the franchise gross over a billion dollars, naming it the highest grossing film series based on a video game franchise.
Many assumed after the release of Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, there would never ever be another theatrical Resident Evil movie. We were so wrong to think that. Variety has confirmed that Constantin Film, the production company behind the films, is already planning a six film reboot of the series that ended literally just a few months ago.
There are no details on who is directing the film, what the story will be, or who will star in it but we can only hope the movies will be more faithful to the games this time around!