Retro-inspired shooter Prodeus out November on Steam Early Access

Outeus Sooneus

The gloriously brutal first-person shooter Prodeus that checks all the right nostalgia boxes finally has a release date. Come this November 10th, PC gamers will be able to play the no-nonsense shooter in Steam Early Access. Check out the release date trailer for some mouthwatering gibbing!

When the small two-man team of Bounding Box Software first revealed their project two years ago the comparisons to genre classics like Quake and Doom were instantly inevitable. But that’s not a bad thing at all and to be honest, going for a retro-inspired look and more importantly, the gameplay is paradoxically a breath of fresh air these days.

Prodeus is the first person shooter of old, re-imagined using modern rendering techniques. It reaches the quality you expect from a AAA experience while adhering to some of the aesthetic technical limits of older hardware.

Our Art Style:

High Quality 3D Retro Aesthetic
A focus on over the top visual effects.
Awesome dismemberment system
Infinite blood (go crazy, paint the walls red!)


Fast pace action
Hellish destruction
Dynamic Soundtrack
Visceral and engaging combat scenarios
Heavy duty weaponry
A multitude of secrets to discover


Continuous support
User generated content
Easy to use Level Editor

Things moved steadily ever since with the duo working very hard on realizing their vision. Now, at long last, we have confirmation that Prodeus will launch not too far off, this November. The shooter will launch in Early Access on Steam and will offer the developers the ability to listen to community feedback and change & improve the game as development goes.