Review Roundup: Despite the lack of butt-slap, Street Fighter 5 impresses

It's a step up from previous generations of Street Fighter.

Capcom's Street Fighter 5 is set to release tomorrow on the PlayStation 4 and PC, but before you buy the game, you might want to know what the general consensus is on the game. 

After the developers decided to remove R.Mika's butt-slap taunt from the game, the Street Fighter community was a bit disheveled. Considering how upset some people got, reviews of the game are refreshing.

As a fighting game, Street Fighter 5 feels like a 'step up' from previous generations, it's easier than ever for the uninitiated to play and it caters to the veteran fighting game community. 

The game's main drawback appears to be the new story-mode for the game, but it is the first time a cinematic story experience has ever been blended into the game. Check out the reviews below:


The mechanics are solid, and the game is even much more inviting than its predecessor. Just know that content wise, Capcom dropped the ball on this one. If you're patient and willing to wait a few months, the game might totally be worth its asking price.


So Street Fighter 5 is brilliant with caveats, then. But it is, at its core, still brilliant. Being brutally honest, your mileage with it – during the early phase of its life at least – will vary greatly depending on the availability of fight-ready friends in your immediate vicinity. Its pleasures are great and many, but for all of their eagerness to please, you’ll really need to explore them shoulder-to-shoulder with others. That, of course, is why the heart of any great fighting game truly beats, and Street Fighter 5’s beats as hard and loud as that of any you care to mention. As such, it would be a real shame if the curious new players it has so much to offer were turned off by its limited early content. 



It’s hard to criticize something that seems like it was tailor-made for a wannabe competitive player like me, but I just can’t ignore how little Street Fighter 5 does for the average fighting game player. It sports a wonderful, diverse cast of characters, places a clear emphasis on strong fundamental play, it gives competitive players a great online experience, and it does it all while looking gorgeous. Strictly in terms of mechanics and competitive features, Street Fighter 5 is just about peerless, but it has quite a ways to go before it stacks up against other fighting games – including its own predecessor – in terms of overall content.



Fortunately for Capcom, what is available now is a lot of fun. The overall fighting game mechanics feel incredible and a big step up from the Street Fighter IV generation. Even someone eternally in scrub tier, like myself, can feel like they can have a good time and eventually get better. That's why the aforementioned is so frustrating, because Street Fighter V feels like a genuinely great fighting game and it's hard not to want more.



In many ways Street Fighter V is unfinished, but as a platform, it has strong legs. If Capcom sticks to its word, this could have just as long of a lifespan as IV, if not more.



So, who should pick this up? Everyone that’s into fighting games. If you’re into Street Fighter, chances are you already have Street Fighter V preordered, and you’re here to see if I validate your opinions on the game (or you want to invalidate mine). If you’re going to stick with Street Fighter V, I think that’s a good decision. If you’re thinking of skipping it, you’re going to miss out on something enjoyable.
