Review Roundup: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is a masterpiece

Naughty Dog did it again!

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End embargo lifted last night and that resulted in an outpouring  amount of positive reviews for Naughty Dog's newest title.
The general consensus is positive, leaving more hype for gamers who have to wait another week to get their hands on it. Reviews are saying that the game is thrilling, beautiful, and more mature, bringing Nathan Drake to a new level of realism.
This could very well be the last Uncharted game we receive from Naughty Dog as it has been reported earlier this year that this could be the last Uncharted game featuring Nathan Drake in the series, but Naughty Dog has revealed that they might pass the franchise over to someone else.
However the dice may fall, we at least now that this game is going to be amazing. Let's check out what others had to say:
That the interpersonal relationships aren't overshadowed by $400 million in pirate gold, or by hundreds of dead mercenaries, is a testament to the caliber of storytelling.
A Thief End’s is the best Uncharted yet, delivering a story I didn’t want to end, and an adventure that concludes with a hell of a payoff. The “wow” factor of the world exploding under Drake’s feet has diminished in the years following Uncharted 2, but those moments are still effective, and a true showpiece of the developer’s exquisite craftsmanship for world and gameplay design.
A remarkable achievement in blockbuster storytelling and graphical beauty. Though it’s let down by a lack of imagination and some self-indulgence, especially in a third act that drags on far too long, Uncharted 4 carries on the series’ proud tradition of peerless polish and style. Most importantly, it’s a gentle sendoff to the rag-tag group of characters we’ve known for nine years. A worthy thief’s end, indeed. [8.8 – not final]
In its writing, in its design, in its understanding of what makes games unique, Uncharted 4 is something to aspire to. It's a shining example. And we'll be talking about it for years to come.
This is one of the most fully-realized action campaigns of all time, and it sets a new bar of quality for what’s possible in the genre.
The first three chapters of Drake’s tale sought greatness, a spirit not so relevant to A Thief’s End. The feeling of boundless adventure burns brighter than that of a neatly closing door, but though this is not these characters’ highest caliber tale, this is the tale that rings true. Whether you find Uncharted 4’s conclusion the proper one is an endless calculation of spoilers and motives. As for myself, I hope to see more of Uncharted, but if I do not, I will have witnessed an unforgettable end to a legacy.
In some ways it feels like I’m playing Uncharted for the first time again, living that sense of incredulity and adventure as we join Nathan Drake and his charming half-tuck for one final adventure rooted in love and sacrifice. It’s a bittersweet feeling, but they’ve gone all in to make sure that A Thief’s End is the Uncharted finale that the fans deserve.
There is nothing cheap about how Naughty Dog has decided to retire this franchise — no door is left open for a crass surprise sequel — and there's nothing ambiguous about its resolution. Every other Uncharted game has, to varying degrees, posed a question — "can a thief be good?" — and summarily moved on without wagering a guess. In finding an answer, Uncharted 4's story soars, and presents a moving, fulfilling finale