While Ridley Scott works off the high from finishing up The Martian, he's taken to talking about the upcoming Prometheus film. The film will reportedly pick up exactly where the last left off, with Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender journeying into the great unknown.
This film focus on Rapace's journey to find the Engineers, the Alien's that created human different species, including humans, around the galaxy. It will look to answer the question of who the Engineers were, why they created people and what became of them.
So, what's the name? It's apparently, Alien: Paradise Lost.
According to Scott the upcoming film won't be tying into the Xenomorph world, but the following film might… or the film after that. So, we have up to three Prometheus films to go before we get to to the Alien franchise. This is what makes the name of the Prometheus sequel so interesting – if we aren't hearing about the Alien franchise yet, why on earth would Scott name the film Alien: Paradise Lost?
Why not Prometheus: Paradise Lost or Prometheus 2?!?!?