Rita Repulsa gets trapped in the latest Power Rangers movie picture

I'll probably be watching this.

We got our first look at Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa in the upcoming Power Rangers a couple of months ago, and since then, we’ve been seeing plenty of the Power Rangers, but not so much Rita.

The latest image for Rita has been released and it takes her out of the traditional giant pot she sits in. Instead, Rita has found herself stuck in a glass cage. Who knows if it’s a glass cage of emotion or if she’s simply frozen in time, either way, once she breaks out of her crystal-cage-thing she will be hell-bent on conquering the world!


The new Power Rangers movie has altered a few traditional aspects of the franchise, particularly the Power suites. No longer will the Power Rangers be clad in spandex, they are now wearing ‘alien’ outfits.

Power Rangers releases March 24, 2017!
