Rockstar discontinues GTA Online updates on Xbox 360 or PS3

This is the end!

Rockstar is planning on bringing a slew of new features to Grand Theft Auto 5 next week on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. The developers have been warning that the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 were limited in their capabilities, and it looks like we have reached the limit.

If the updates new features were applied to the Xbox 360 or PS3 it would come at the price of "seriously compromising the game in some other capacity."

A statement obtained by Kotaku from Rockstar further reveals that GTA Online on the Xbox 360 and PS3 will be cut off from future update that include new features:

"As we mentioned previously, we always knew there might be a point where we would reach the technical capacity of what the older generation of consoles can handle as each downloadable update requires additional memory both for assets and for additional scripting.  We have continued to optimize the entire game over time in order to squeeze as much memory as we possibly could out of the last-generation hardware and at some point, continuing to add content for those systems could cause the risk of instability to the game overall."

While GTA 5 and GTA Online might see small updates in the future, it won't be getting any new features. If you choose to upgrade to an Xbox One or PlayStation 4, you can transfer your game content from one console to another (within its own family).