Rumor: Apple to move away from metal with iPhone 7

We haven't even seen the 6s yet!

Following a number of interesting patents from Apple, a new rumor has surfaced that the next iPhone will move away from the phone's current metal casing. Apple has already experimented with glass, plastic and most recently metal, but ceramic and liquidmetal could be the future.

During the iPhone 6's release Apple was hit with the bendgate. If you managed to live without hearing anything about bendgate, I applaud you. It was a bad time for Apple and iPhone owners who kept their phones in their back pocket and sat out. A number of new iPhone users reported their phones bending under the weight of their body.

Following this, Apple signed patents for ceramic and liquidmetal. Apple's supply chains have yet to confirm what the phones will be made out of, but they did say that the iPhone 7 definitely wouldn't be made out of metal. The phone's casing could very-well return back to some form of plastic, but who knows!
