It looks like developers should stop using commercial forms of travel or stop working while they travel because it's becoming a way for information to leak out.
Someone traveling on a plane and train with someone working on developing Destiny 2 managed to see some pretty interesting things on the developer's laptop. According to this person, Destiny 2 is coming to PC and will feature Raid matchmaking (another individual has added that they heard that Destiny 2 would be coming to PC as well).
In addition to this, they also saw that two developers are helping Bungie do this: Vicarious Vision and High Moon.
This might sound hard to believe or be far fetched, but let us not forget the Assassin's Creed Unity leak.
Back in 2014, someone was sitting on a plane next to a Ubisoft employee who disclosed plenty of information on the game that became Assassin's Creed Unity. The developer told the lucky person about the setting, era, the game's name and even showed a clip of gameplay.