Update: Fox claims that they still have the rights to the film franchise. 🙁
Let's be honest here, the latest Fantastic Four movie kind of sucked… and that's putting it lightly. The film is hovering at 9% on Rotten Tomatoes and at 27%Metacritic, generally speaking, it wasn't a film that was liked by critics and movie-goers alike.
Things might be turning around for the franchise, though! Reports have released that Fantastic Four is back at home with Marvel, leaving the evil clutches of Fox behind (except their evil clutches are totally OK with X-Men).
With Fantastic Four back at Marvel, we might be seeing a Marvel-Sony mashup for the franchise or a Marvel-Disney partnership. Currently, Marvel and Sony are working on rebooting Spider-Man in 2017 with Tom Holland and Marvel and Disney are working on the Avenger films. According to other sources, Fantastic Four will get its Marvel reboot in 2020!
We have a couple years to go until then, but there's hope!