We're still awaiting official word from Microsoft, but the Polish arm of Eurogamer has allegedly been told by Microsoft representatives that February's Games with Gold are Dead Island (as previously rumored) and Toy Soldiers: Cold War.
Deep Silver's first-person zombie survival Dead Island is supposedly first up with Xbox LIVE Gold members able to download the game on February 1st. Though the game received pedestrian reviews at launch, it remains a popular title among gamers. It's not the most relevant of games, but it's a solid choice for anyone who has yet to play it. Of course, it's probably rare to find someone who has yet to played Dead Island; the game is practically free during every Steam sale.
Following Dead Island will allegedly be Signal Studios' Toy Soldiers: Cold War, an action-strategy game based around the tension between the United States and USSR — but, you know, represented with plastic toy soldiers.
If these are indeed the Games with Gold titles for February, then it appears we were mislead by Rare's subtle hint. Oh well, maybe we'll get Perfect Dark Zero or Banjo-Kazooie in another month. Again, until we hear from Microsoft or Major Nelson, treat this as a rumor.