Rumor: Han Solo Star Wars spin-off to show how Lando Calrissian lost the Millennium Falcon to Han

But what about sabacc?

It's been made clear that young Han Solo will not be making an appearance in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, but that's probably OK… Considering he's getting his own spin-off movie.

From what we know, Alden Ehrenreich, of Hail Caesar and Beautiful Creatures, will be playing a 20-somthing-year-old Han Solo in a spin-off film that will show us how Solo became the smuggler, thief, and scoundrel that Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi met in the cantina on Mos Eisley.

Back in August, it was rumored that Lando Calrissian would be making an appearance in the Han Solo spin-off, but we haven't heard much since. More evidence has come to light suggesting that Lando will be making an appearance. 

According to a new report, the Han Solo spin-off will tell us how Lando lost the Millennium Falcon to Solo. 

It will be interesting to see how Disney goes about this, considering that an exchange between Solo and Lando in Empire Strikes Back details that Solo won the ship from Lando in a game of sabacc. The question is, is the spin-off based on canon?

[Hollywood Reporter, Borys Kit]