Rumor: Horizon: Zero Dawn delayed until 2017

Regarded industry insider drops news of delay and references PS4K

By now, if you aren't taking rumors on the internet with a grain of salt, it's your own fault. That said, upcoming PS4 exclusive, Horizon: Zero Dawn is going to be delayed into "early 2017" according to industry insider, Shinobi602.

Shinobi602 is regarded as one of the most reliable industry insiders and has a good track record specifically with regards to Horizon: Zero Dawn (again, the grain of salt still applies). What's interesting here is that not only does he drop news of the delay (which is pretty common these days), he drops the tease of the still unconfirmed PS4.5/K.

By now, I think we all know that the PS4.5 is going to be a thing, seeing as how dev kits have been sent out to studios. There are plenty of rumors about the console in regards to specs and cost, but it still remains to be seen if any of it comes to fruition.

As far as Horizon: Zero Dawn goes, news of a delay wouldn't be all that surprising considering we haven't heard much about the game over the past six months or so.

Source: [DualShockers]