Rumor: Marvel Vs. Capcom 4 to focus on Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men not included

This might upset some people...

Marvel vs. Capcom 4 has been long awaited by many for many years. The popular fighting game series has a large fanbase thanks to the combination of two very popular brands filled which rich characters. The game has been rumored for some time now but there hasn't been much evidence to point to the existence of the actual game.

That all changed this past weekend when a number of reputable sources started spreading knowledge of the game and saying that it'll be officially revealed this coming weekend at PlayStation Experience. We broke down all the rumors piece by piece, which you can view here.

We now have a new piece of evidence and this time it comes directly from Polygon. Polygon reached out to some inside sources to get the scoop on MVC 4 and were able to confirm it is in development and it'll be revealed this weekend. They were also able to confirm some characters that will be in the fighting roster and some that will not be.

"Although Capcom hasn’t officially announced the game, we’ve been told the company will unveil Marvel vs. Capcom 4 this week alongside Sony’s PlayStation Experience event where the Capcom Cup 2016 Street Fighter 5 tournament will be held.

Fans of the series should expect Marvel vs. Capcom 4's roster of Marvel characters to draw strongly from the cinematic universe that Marvel Studios has popularized — and has full control over — during the past decade. That means fighting game fans will more likely see characters plucked from The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy films, and not from properties like the X-Men. Expect to see superheroes like Ant-Man and Groot make appearances, with characters of mutant origin — think Wolverine and Magneto — sitting out this entry."

That might frustrate some fans knowing iconic characters like Wolverine will be sitting on the sidelines for this one, but it makes sense. It sounds like Marvel wants to focus mainly on their film characters and use this to promote some of their movies. Although X-Men is a Marvel property, Fox owns the film rights to the characters and the Marvel Cinematic Universe isn't allowed to cross-over with the X-Men. This is the same reason you never saw Spider-Man prior to Captain America: Civil War.

In the past, Marvel has let Activision develop most of their games. A large number of them were less than stellar, even though there were some gems in there. It would seem as if Marvel is taking a new approach for video games for their properties. We got our first look at a brand new Spider-Man game developed by Insomniac Games which isn't directly tied to any movies, showing Marvel may be focused on just making good games instead of quick cash grabs.

Although Capcom's license agreement with Marvel expired in 2013, it sounds like there was enough demand from the fans for the two to come together again and bring the fan favorite series back.

We will continue to keep you updated if the story develops.