It appears as though the next Assassin’s Creed game, which didn’t make it’s annual release this year (and might not next year either), might be heading to the Nintendo Switch, as well as the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.
The latest rumors suggest that the rumored Ancient Egypt focused Assassin’s Creed game will be making a simultaneous release across all platforms, Switch included. The last Assassin’s Creed that released on a Nintendo platform was Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag for the Wii U. Neither Unity nor Syndicate hit the Wii U – according to Ubisoft, Nintendo gamers don’t buy Assassin’s Creed games.
Nintendo fanatic and YouTuber OBE1plays revealed the rumor in his latest video and with the sheer amount of capital letters and exclamation points, it’s understandable that his reveal is questionable. Fortunately for him, another insider agreed with his reveal.
While still unconfirmed by Ubisoft or Nintendo, the YouTuber’s claim was verified by another Nintendo insider, who has been leaking Nintendo information for a while – Lauren Kate Dale.
“As far as I know Ubi want the next AC to hit Switch same date as other consoles yep”, Dale said recently in a tweet.
What we do know is that Ubisoft’s CEO has been praising the Nintendo Switch plenty, saying that the Switch (NX at the time) would be bringing “casual players back” to the industry and that “Nintendo will be back in the race” with the Switch. With so much praise from the Ubisoft CEO, it’s clear that Nintendo and Ubisoft have been very close during the Switch’s development process making it somewhat believable that Ubisoft would go out on a limb and make a game for the console.