According to Digitimes, Nintendo's next-generation console, code named the NX, has had it's mass production postponed for about half a year. Digitimes' sources close to the supplier, claim that the delay is due to Nintendo wishing add virtual reality to the console as well as enhance the experience.
This rumor might link back to the patent that recently surfaced which suggests that Nintendo could be considering a secondary device that detects objects.
While rumors should always be taken with a grain of salt, and more so for rumors from unnamed sources, you may recall that there was another rumor a while back that the NX might rival the power of the PS4 and Xbox one. Since then, it has come to light that the PS4 and Xbox will see some significant power increases, is it possible that this rumor is true and is Nintendo's effort not to find themselves underpowered again? Or is just the same rumor in a new form that has no basis?
What is known is that Nintendo has seen a recent change in their mass production schedule related to the NX and some key components are being manufactured towards the end of 2016. Along with this the order volume has also been cut in half.
What do you think? Is Nintendo playing catch up given the upcoming console ecosystem? Is Nintendo likely to figure out a way to make VR work this time around and in such a short time?
Truly though, until someone at Nintendo provides some information, it is unlikely that we will have any kind of solid answers.
[Sources: Gematsu]