Rumor: Star Wars: Episode VIII’s major climactic battle sounds epic


If you don't want to be spoiled for Star Wars Episode VIII….well you probably shouldn't have clicked on this article. Nothing is sacred in this day and age of information and it's clear that an NDA on the set of Star Wars: Episode VIII doesn't mean squat. So with that, 3……………….2……………….1………it's your fault now.

So it looks like Luke Skywalker is as powerful as we thought he was going to be.  As it is was previously rumored, Kylo Ren has indeed found his way to lost planet of Ahch-To, but he is not alone. He has apparently brought his Knights of Ren with him. 

It was only a matter of time before Kylo Ren brought out his posse, and it seems we are in for quite a showdown between Kylo, The Knights of Ren, Rey and the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Sources in touch with, had this to say about what they saw on the set of Star Wars: Episode VIII.

  • Luke Skywalker and Rey are on Ahch-To just before nightfall as the sun sets in the background and it starts to rain.
  • Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren turn up along the coast.
  • Kylo Ren advances towards Rey and Luke with the Knights of Ren.
  • Kylo does not wear his mask.
  • Kylo has the same cross guard saber as he did in VII.
  • Rey and Kylo Ren duel one-on-one and end up fighting along the cliff face overlooking the nighttime water.
  • Kylo wants his revenge after Rey disgraced him.
  • The Knights of Ren go for Luke Skywalker while Rey is left for Kylo.
  • Luke Skywalker engages the Knights on the beach while Kylo attempts to kill Rey.
  • The first black knight has an axe and moves towards the Luke but is Force pushed away to his death after being thrown through the air.
  • After Luke dispatches the first Knight and ignites his green lightsaber.
  • Luke moves through each Knight one-by-one.
  • Rey and Kylo’s battle moves up to the side of a cliff.
  • Suddenly Rey is nowhere to be seen. She’s taken out of the battle; she’s either wounded or appears to go over the side of the cliff.
  • Luke Skywalker casually walks towards Kylo to finish him but Kylo retreats when he sees his crew defeated.

It is also said that there is an indication that Luke has asked Rey to kill Kylo Ren, perhaps as part of her training and/or the fact that he can't bring himself to do it (Leia would be pretty pissed). 
