Rumor: Untitled animated Spider-Man film may star Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker

Change is good!

When Marvel acquired Spider-Man to use in their cinematic universe, Sony and Marvel announced a whole new skew of films including a theatrical animated film with 21 and 22 Jump Street directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord at the helm. This caused many to raise an eyebrow, an animated film and a live-action film? It does sound a bit strange, but some rumors may actually make this animated film sound much more appealing and unique.

Heroic Hollywood reports that the animated film due out by the end of 2018 will focus on the more ethnic Spider-Man, Miles Morales. For those unfamiliar with the character of Miles Morales, when Peter Parker "died" in the comics Miles Morales took over the role of Spider-Man. He is a half-latino, half-black teenager with his own set of issues.

The animated film will have no connection to the MCU in any shape or form. Lots of people were a bit annoyed that we were going to revisit Peter Parker after five films with the characters and it was kind of worrying to think that we might have two separate ongoing universes with Peter Parker. Now that we knew that this is not the case, it should ease some concerns for people and even appeal to new audiences.

Meanwhile, the first live-action Spider-Man film will begin filming this June with Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man/Tony Stark, Tom Holland as the web-slinger himself, and Michael Keaton as the villain which is rumored to be Vulture.