Rumor: Xbox 720 to have virtual reality helmet, patent filed in 2010

As if you couldn't get enough of all the speculations regarding Microsoft's rumored next-gen console, another rumor surfaced that Microsoft has apparently pattented a virtual reality helmet design.

Now it's not known whether this is in fact for the upcoming next-gen console or the current Xbox 360, though since speculations of a new console being announced next year are floating around, we're thinking that the helmet is looking more likely to be for the Xbox 720.

According to, Microsoft has the helmet quite fleshed out in terms of how it will work, and how it would be utilized in video games.

Microsoft states that a compact display system may be coupled into goggles, a helmet, or other eyewear. These configurations enable the wearer to view images from a computer, media player, or other electronic device with privacy and mobility. When adapted to display two different images concurrently–one for each eye–the system may be used for stereoscopic display (e.g., virtual-reality) applications. -PatentBolt

According to the site, Microsoft had this patent filed back in late 2010, so it's crazy to think that until now, nothing has been unveiled on this mysterious peripheral. The patent lists that the wearer would see the screen as a 21 inch display, and also since it uses two completely separate eyepieces, it could potentially also display games in stereoscopic 3D.

One of the other features, which actually sound the best so far would be an AR (augmented reality) function, where as you could potentially see a game's HUD displayed through the helmet, instead of on the screen.

Think of the aviation helmet in Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.2 video game. Wouldn't it be cool to have Microsoft's Xbox Helmet accessory for games like that or others like Dead Space or Halo? For die-hard gamers, being able to really get into the game with such gear is going to be a blast. -PatentBolt

When you think about Virtual Reality helmets, the first thing that usually comes to mind are those bulky and uncomfortable helmets that were all the rage in the early 90's, or that terrible, terrible Virtual Boy that I admit I wanted to much as a kid, only to realize it was a piece of crap. Though the patent designs still tend to look a bit bulky, here's to hoping that if this ever does come to fruition for either current gen or next-gen Xbox, is that you at least look awesome wearing it.