Sacred 2 Holiday Content Pack Released Today

December 17, 2008

Sacred 2 Holiday Content Pack Released Today

cdv Software
Entertainment USA and Ascaron Entertainment are pleased to
announce the launch of a free new holiday content update for
their recently released action-RPG – Sacred 2: Fallen
. Owners of the PC version of the game may
download the update immediately, which includes new content
and game fixes (listed below) completely free of charge.

The content update is available at or via auto-update function from
within the game.

New Content:

  • A new area for exploration, including an underground

  • New “snowy landscape” textures and objects

  • New sounds for the snowy landscape

  • Roughly 20 new creatures

  • New NPC’s

  • A new quest chain

  • A new armor set for each character

  • New armor items and weapons

Fixes (a detailed list is available at

  • Game server creation bugs have been fixed in both
    single- and multiplayer play

  • Some Combat Arts for all characters have been
    adjusted or re-balanced

  • Visual issues (such as UI elements not fading out
    properly) have been fixed

  • Miscellaneous sound and graphical fixes in various
    environments and situations

Sacred 2 will be available for next-generation consoles
in March 2009.

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is an Action-RPG with a rich story that
takes place in a giant, open-ended and seamless world. This
world contains hundreds of dungeons, treacherous opponents
and a variety of challenging quests. Intelligent enemies,
steadily adapting in number and difficulty based on player
progress, challenge players in heroic single- and
multiplayer battles.

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
provides numerous unique items
that can be gathered in this mystical world. A deep reward
system further enables advancements in character, individual
attributes and character-specific fighting styles, each
designed to keep players returning to the world of
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
to discover what is around the
next bend. Drop-in styled cooperative multiplayer gameplay
ensures players will enjoy the game alone or seamlessly with
friends at any time. Five unique multiplayer modes round out
the experience and offer a refreshing, first-class gaming
experience in Sacred 2: Fallen Angel.