Scylla, Horror of the Deep, now terrifies Smite

They say true evil doesn’t really exist. Poets write to embellish how Scylla must have fallen. That the girl couldn’t have been born such a monster. In same way she must have become corrupted or turned to evil. Nope, evil does exist and it can be found at the bottom of the sea.

In Smite, the Greek Goddess is a mage. Her kit makes it so her abilities gain a new ability once they max out, she can snare, teleport, slow, and become immune to all forms of CC for a bit with her ult. Not too shabby. These abilities allow her to be quite mobile around the battlefield while allows massive damage to be dished out.

Want to hear about his lore, see her abilities, or simply want to see her in action? Check out the official God Reveal trailer above.