See Mirror’s Edge deftly recreated in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Mirror Warfare

There are two types of modders. There are modders who put Star Wars helmets in XCOM 2 and crossbows in Fallout 4, and then there are modders who recreate entire levels, trailers and even games using game engines never designed for the task. YouTuber SuX Lolz :] is clearly in the latter category, as he took it upon himself to build the city and prologue from Mirror’s Edge inside Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

Lolz’s recreation is impressively accurate, bearing the same high-contrast, sterile aesthetic as Ubisoft’s first-person free-runner. The sheer size of the city, made possible in part by free assets Lolz found online, is impressive in its own right.

The level was designed as a “deathrun map,” Lolz said, and isn’t quite finished yet. A few secret rooms and weapons will be added in before its release. Lolz said he would also consider making a Black Ops 3 custom map should it ever receive mod tools. Perhaps a Mirror's Edge: Catalyst map?

Source: YouTube

Via: PC Gamer