See Pacific Rim’s star robot recreated in Besiege

It just takes a little elbow grease

Oh, those wily PC players. What will they think of next? I ask myself this question each time I see Donald Trump in Civilization 5, crossbows in Fallout or Star Wars in XCOM. Pokémon in Stardew Valley, I could foresee. But Pacific Rim in Besiege? Who could have called that?

Steam user Drako, actually. Drako took it upon himself to recreate Pacific Rim’s iconic robot Gipsy Danger within Besiege, a popular destruction playground. The result was a fully functional, bipedal and no-doubt intricate build.

This thing has it all: deployable bombs, a steam-powered plasma cannon and an array of controllable emotes. As Drako said on the build's Steam page, it walks, it crushes helpless Besiege NPCs underfoot, it breakdances. All it needs is some sea creatures to fight.

It could also use some transport helicopters. Fellow Besiege player and YouTuber Dawn-Shade took care of those, as seen in the video above.

“Del Toro managed to carry Gipsy Danger, a 1.980 tons with eight fictional aircraft called V-50 Jumphawks with steel cables,” Dawn-Shade said in the video’s description. “I managed to carry Drako’s Gipsy Danger with only two Jumphawks with simple ropes in Besiege.”

Well, your move, Del Toro.

Source: YouTube, Steam

Via: Gamespot