Sega countdown suggests Bayonetta announcement on the way

PC port? Remaster? Bayonetta 3?

The Sega website has been updated to feature a countdown that is set to end on April 11th, at 12:30 PM ET. While there's no information as to what Sega is announcing, there is an image behind the countdown that looks quite a bit like Bayonetta's weaponized heels. 

The countdown page on Sega has an interesting URL, 14111219. The number might not mean much to some, but it's Bayonetta's birthday – December 19, 1411 (1411, 12, 19). 

Looking at the code for the site reveals an image titled 'justanimage.jpg', which shows a much clearer image of what is hidden behind the countdown. Check it out below:


Over the weekend, as part of April Fool's, SEGA released an 8-bit version of Bayonetta on Steam. It's the same game as the hidden Bayonetta game on Platinum Game's 404 page. 

All of these coincidences could mean a PC port of Bayonetta is on the way or something entirely different. We won't know until the countdown is up!