Shadow of Mordor 2 rumors shut down by stunt actress

At least she won't be in it

Just a few days ago, rumors about a sequel to Shadow of Mordor were leaked, but now they have been shut down.

The reason of this rumor even exsisting was because someone found stunt and CGI actress Lauren Mary Kim's CV on and found that Shadow of Mordor 2 was listed under her Motion Capture section. Certainly it was a valid reason to believe that a Shadow of Mordor 2 is in the works.

But now Lauren Mary Kim has reached out to WCCFTech to publicly deny any involvement in Shadow of Mordor 2, citing "inaccurate information put on her resume" and that it was put there by mistake in the iStunt database.

That Lauren Mary Kim wants to clear her name is quite understandable since she has quite a reputation in her line of work with merits such as doing stunts in Daredevil, Castle, Agents of SHIELD, and Star Trek, as well as games like Dark Souls II, Batman Arkham Knight, and Tomb Raider.

This of course doesn't mean that Shadow of Mordor 2 isn't being developed, it just means that Lauren Mary Kim won't be in it. It would almost be foolish by Warner Bros. and Monolith Productions to not make a sequel to Shadows of Mordor considering what a success that game was.