WayForward Technologies is keeping mum about the release of the original Shantae on Nintendo's Virtual Console — that's why it mentioned the date three times in a blog post.
So yeah, the developer may have exaggerated the game's secret status:
"Unfortunately, we will not be able to announce a specific release date (June 20th) at this time," wrote WayForward. "Check back angrily and often at www.wayforward.com to discover the Shantae's secret release date (that's June 20th) in the days and weeks ahead. See you on June 20th!"
The Game Boy Color's "swan song" game is due June 20, in case you didn't know. Previously only available in North America, it's now rereleasing in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand as well.
WayForward is also working on a new title, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse — the sequel to Risky's Revenge — for the 3DS eShop.