Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth receives global release date and pre order incentives

It goes without saying that I’ll be pre-purchasing Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth. As someone who’s been playing the franchise since the very beginning, I can’t wait to take another crack of the series in a brave new direction. You know, aliens.

The worldwide launch date for the new Civ will be Friday October 24th. So mark your calendars now savages; with a big freaken red circle around that date. Now if you preorder, 2K and Firaxis have already announced an incentive. The Exoplanets Map Pack will be ready by launch which will include six custom maps inspired by real exoplanets. Why stop there? You’ll also receive a narrated gameplay walkthrough video and a behind the scenes look at the making of the game.    

Here are the six planets:

  • Kepler 186f: This lush forest planet is one of the oldest known Earth-like planets; 
  • Rigil Khantoris Bb: Orbiting the closest star to our solar system, the historical records of this arid continental planet’s settlement are well-preserved; 
  • Tau Ceti d: This planet of seas and archipelagos features a booming biodiversity and a wealth of resources; 
  • Mu Arae f: Tidally locked in orbit around a weak star, the southern hemisphere of this planet is a blistering desert where the sun never sets, while the northern hemisphere is perpetually in frozen darkness; 
  • 82 Eridani e: An alien world of scarce water and wracked by tectonic forces; 
  • Eta Vulpeculae b: A mysterious new discovery with unknown terrain. 
