We already know that Gearbox is expanding Borderlands 2 "on all fronts." From weapons to storyline to diversity, everything is looking grander.
We last heard that Borderlands 2 will contain about twenty to thirty hours of "main plot line". That was JUST main story.
Of course, anyone who has played the previous Borderlands game knows Pandora is littered with sidequests and side missions to help you waste away the hours shooting and looting. Borderlands 2 concept artist Kevin Duc mentioned the game will still have billboards and NPCs that will give you these sidequests, but how much more gameplay hours will these tack on?
According to VP of marketing Steve Gibson, who spoke with Digital Spy earlier this month, side missions in Borderlands 2 will nearly double the gameplay time. That means you are looking at roughly 40 to 60 hours of gameplay time in your first playthrough – if you do all side missions and the main storyline.
"The last one was giant," Gibson said. "This one is more gianter. If you do core missions, ignoring side missions, you could probably plough through it in 20 to 30 hours in one playthrough. If you do side missions, you're looking to get close to doubling that."
"All we can say is that we've set up everything to better experience that story. We hope you guys enjoy everything we've put together."
Borderlands 2 is set to release on September 18, 2012 in North America and September 21, 2012 internationally. To get a head start, you can pre-order Borderlands 2 today and assure yourself a free fifth class: the recently revealed Mechromancer.