Silent Hill: Downpour to Feature Water Extensively

Darkness is a natural part of any creepy environment. But when you throw water into the mix, it somehow becomes even scarier. The upcoming survival horror game Silent Hill: Downpour looks to utilize the eerie nature of water in numerous ways, according to Game Informer.

Though details on the next entry in Konami’s horror franchise are still scarce at the moment, the publisher did reveal that water will play a prominent role throughout the game. Aside from all the rain that’s expected to take over the environments, what other water-themed elements are we bound to see in Silent Hill: Downpour? A dread-inspiring lake? A car accident caused by slippery roads that leaves the main character stranded in an isolated locale? Perhaps it will be harder to see horrific enemies that approach your character due to the strong rainfall.

Whatever the case may be, Konami and developer Vatra Games are planning on recapturing some of the series’ old charm that many believe has been lost over the years. Maybe they plan on using this environmental change to affect the mood of the game. We’ll have more details on Silent Hill: Downpour as they become available.
