Skyrim Steam 1.4.20 update now live

Another Steam client patch for the PC version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is now live.  The open world RPG has added one more patch to its list.  This patch fixes four bugs that were making the game run differently than Bethesda desired.  These fixes range from sound volume, to fixing trophies, to fixing renderings, and ending the issues with becoming the Thane of Riften.

While this is not a very large Steam patch, the official notes are below.  Happy patching.      

  • Fixed occasional audio issue that would play sound effects louder than intended
  • Master Criminal achievement/trophy unlocks properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian
  • Fixed issue where dragon priest masks would not render correctly
  • Fixed issue where player would be unable to become Thane of Riften if they purchased a home first