Smartglass app reveals Fallout 4 controls and new abilities

Bash and Sprint introduced

Even though Fallout 4 doesn't release until November 10th, we got a sneak peak of the game's control manual thanks to the Xbox One Smartglass app. The control scheme listed, thanks to Wccftech, reveals the button assignments as well as two new abilities to the Fallout franchise.

According to the list, we will be able to utilize a dedicated "bash" and "sprint" ability which are both brand new features in Fallout. Grenades will also now be thrown by holding RB rather than navigating your inventory menus as in previous versions. The complete manual is still up on the Smartglass app so feel free to check it out yourself as well. If you don't feel like, don't worry. We've listed them all below for your convenience. 

Fallout 4 releases November 10th on both PS4 and Xbox One

  • LB – VATS 
  • RB – Bash / Power Attack / [hold] for Grenade 
  • LT – Aim / Block 
  • RT – Attack Back – Toggle POV 
  • Start – Pause 
  • L – Move 
  • L – [click] Sprint 
  • R – Look 
  • R – [click] Sneak 
  • Y – Jump 
  • B – Pipboy 
  • X – Ready / Reload 
  • A – Activate PAD – Favorites PAD + A – Select Favorite