People loved Limbo because of its dark atmosphere. The game was eerie, chilling, and just plain scary at times. It was a nightmare, albeit a beautiful one.
I absolutely loved Limbo. I got lost in its haunting and ambiguous world. What really appealed to me was just how captivating it was, and how the player could perceive it in different ways.
But what if that wasn't the case? What if Limbo wasn't as brooding and sinister as we all thought it was? What if … What if Limbo had color?
Honestly, Limbo with a Flashlight is one of the coolest videos I've seen all year. It's fun, it's comical, and it's great to watch. Also, the end is totally creepy! Check it out!
And if you're seeking news on Limbo that's less funny and more informative, check out my post on Playdead's upcoming mobile port of the game!