Someone beat Fallout 4 without killing anyone on the hardest difficulty

The game really doesn't make it easy.

Before Bethesda released Fallout 4, they made sure to make it clear that the game would support various playstyles. In fact, players have the option of avoiding killing 'a lot' in the game, according to Bethesda's game director Todd Howard.

“I can’t tell you that you can play the whole game without violence – that’s not necessarily a goal of ours – but we want to support different play styles as much as we can,” said Howard.

Fallout 4 put up one hell of a fight, but YouTuber Kyle Hinckley managed to complete the game with an entirely pacifist playthrough. Hinckley not only beat the game without a single kill, but also managed to do it on the hardest game mode available – Survival.

Taking to YouTube, Hinckley detailed his entire pacifist playthrough on his  'The Weirdist' channel. In doing so, he revealed that the game doesn't make it easy to beat it without a single kill. There are plenty of quests that will put you in the position to kill something or someone, but it turns out that aligning yourself with a certain faction is key to completing the game.

Check out Hinckley's playthrough below!
