Someone decided to play Battlefield 1 with voice commands and it’s hilariously horrible

Fire. Honk. Fire. Honk.

Remember that YouTuber that decided to play Dark Souls 3 with only voice commands? Well, he decided to relive the horror… except this time in the Battlefield 1 beta (which has ended). 

The experience was as horrible as you could even imagine it. YouTuber Slimecicle was the exact teammate that you wished would be on the opposite team. He was simply bait for the enemy team to snipe out of almost every single vehicle he touched.

Well, he was actually just really, really good material for murder on the Battlefield 1 map. The good thing is he handles his deaths with grace and even if he didn't, the voice command system wouldn't understand the slew of curses he'd throw at it anyway.

Check out Slimecicle's many deaths below: