Someone decoded Pokemon GO to make the ultimate Pokemon locator

Do you have the Poke... Vision?

If you've ever wondered where that pesky Omanyte has been hiding or where Dragonite and Rapidash have been hiding – the search is over. Someone has decoded Niantic's API to create the ultimate Pokemon tracker/locator. That's right, there's not more mindless wandering around in Pokemon GO, you can find everything that is around you.

Pokevision, takes the Niantic API (code) and makes it accessible in a way that allows you to see all of the location of all the currently spawned Pokemon in your town, or anywhere on this planet (if Pokemon GO is available there).

Each Pokemon is shown off with a timer, showing which Pokemon is available, where it is and how long it will be up for. The Pokemon that are displayed on the map are actually in that location, in real-time… As long as the timer hasn't hit zero. 

Unfortunately, Pokevision doesn't account for everything. If there's a lure in place it won't show you the lure or the Pokemon that have been attracted to it. Oh, and if servers are down, you won't be getting much done on Pokevision. As long as servers are up though, you can search your little hearts away.