Sonic the Hedgehog is returning to television in his first-ever CG animated series, SEGA revealed today. Under the working title Sonic Boom, the series will premiere in fall 2014 on Cartoon Network in the United States. Described as a comedy series aimed at children 6 to 11, the initial order of 52 eleven-minute episodes is co-produced by SEGA of America and Genao Productions.
Sonic Boom is a character-driven comedy that leaves a trail of robot wreckage in its smoldering wake. The series centers on Sonic, his best friend and sidekick, Tails, their never-ending search for adventure, and their battles with Sonic’s arch-nemesis, Dr. Eggman. Rounding out the ensemble are fan favorites Knuckles and Amy Rose, plus a rogue’s gallery of enemies—some familiar to Sonic fans and some brand-new.
“Sonic is the star of the SEGA universe and the stage is now set for him to shine like never before. By teaming up with world-class partners in television animation like Cartoon Network, Genao Productions and GULLI, we’re ensuring that the Sonic legacy will be introduced to a new generation of children across the globe,” said Hiroyuki Miyazaki, SEGA’s Chief Content Officer for Sonic.
The announcement of a new television series comes at a time when SEGA is looking to bring Sonic back to the forefront of gaming. Earlier this year, SEGA announced a three title exclusive partnership with Nintendo for the Sonic the Hedgehog video game franchise. The first, Sonic Lost World, will launch for Wii U and 3DS later this year.
Are you excited to see the Blue Blur return to television?