Sony announces unimpressive Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3 bundle

Sony today announced a "limited edition" Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 bundle.

The bundle, coming May 25th, was apparently brought to us by "popular" demand, but judging from comments on the blog, I don't really believe that.

The bundle, which costs $299, includes a copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and a 320GB PlayStation 3 console – just a regular console with no design or skin or anything.

A regular 320GB PS3 console will run you around $275 on Amazon.  Modern Warfare 3 is probably another $60 with a price cut probably coming soon now that  Black Ops II has been announced.  Minus the looming price cut these two items separately will cost you $335.

So by getting this bundle you are saving some money, but can't you do any better Sony?  I mean, Xbox 360 has that really cool Star Wars R2-D2 console and this is the best you can offer?

Before you accuse me of being a fanboy or too harsh on Sony, I suggest you check out the comments other PlayStation 3 owners are saying about it.  I'm not the only one not impressed.