Sony going big at Tokyo Game Show with “more than ten” titles to show off

Now with E3, Gamescom and PAX over, that has to be it right? There can't possibly be any more new announcements between now and November 15th, for the PlayStation 4. Right?!

Tokyo Game Show is set for later this month, and Sony apparently still has a bit more up their sleeve… maybe. Sony Computer Entertainment of Japan has announced in a press release that it will have "more than ten" PS4 games showcased at the expo.

There are six that have been publicly announced so far, being Knack, Deep Down, Driveclub, Killzone: Shadow Fall,Wolfenstein: The New Order, PlayRoom and Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag. Whether the remainder of the games are unannounced titles, or just ones returning from the abyss (The Last Guardian) that is yet to be confirmed.

It is important to note however that Sony has taken quite a drastic but positive stance with indie developers. Given that during Gamescom, a majority of their announcements were indie related, it wouldn't be surprising if some of the remaining games were indies, which certainly isn't a bad thing. Also note that games like inFamous Second Son, The Order 1866 and Watch Dogs aren't on that list, yet.