Sony has no plans to match the Xbox One with a PS4 price cut

Sony's aware of, but not too concerned about the Xbox One's price cut

Despite increased sales competition thanks, in part, to Microsoft's temporary price cut for the Xbox One, Sony has no plans to reduce the price of the PlayStation 4.

Speaking during Sony's financial call to overseas investors for the third quarter of the fiscal year 2014, Sony's Chief Financial Officer Kenichiro Yoshida said the company is aware of Microsoft's price reduction, which brought the Xbox One to a more competitive price with the PS4, but has "currently no plan to reduce the price" of the PlayStation 4.

While no price reduction is planned, Sony is doing other things to promote the console, like including coupons or free game downloads with the system. In fact, just last month, Sony started to include a free copy of The Last of Us: Remastered with the $399 PlayStation 4, essentially matching the price of the $349 Xbox One.

It's clear that Sony is confident in its position with the PS4, and with 6.4 million PS4 units shipped worldwide in the third quarter of FY15, they have every reason to be. The Xbox One may be returning to its place atop the U.S. sales charts, but it's evident that the PS4 has a strong presence throughout the world. 

[Seeking Alpha]