Sony kicks off PlayStation Store PLAY with discounts and rebates on four PSN games

The PlayStation Store PLAY — Sony's equivalent to the XBLA Summer of Arcade — kicks off next week, offering gamers a diverse linup of games including two PSN exclusives. Although the first game doesn't drop until July 23, the actual event begins tomorrow when you can begin pre-ordering any of this year's PLAY games. Doing so will get you an exclusive PS3 XMB theme based on each game purchase.

In addition, PlayStation Plus members will receive a 20% discount on PLAY games when pre-ordering. AND if you buy more than one game, Sony will be giving you bonus PSN cash vouchers. Here's how the discounts breakdown:

  • Pre-order or Buy any 4 PlayStation Store PLAY games to get $10
  • Pre-order or Buy any 3 PlayStation Store PLAY games to get $6
  • Pre-order or Buy any 2 PlayStation Store PLAY games to get $3

The four games included in this year's program are Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark, Cloudberry Kingdom, ibb & obb and DuckTales: Remastered (Woo-oo!).

[PS Blog]