Sony removes altered Anthem gameplay trailer, Xbox marketing boss has a laugh

Bad PR means good for the internet.

The PlayStation YouTube channel has officially removed the Anthem trailer that was revealed to have been altered Xbox One X footage. Naturally, the internet had something to say as the hardcore brand fanatics on either side got self-righteous or defensive and Xbox One marketing boss, Aaron Greenberg had a little fun with the mishap on Twitter.

The footage was originally discovered by a user on NeoGAF and showed that if you slowed the trailer down, you could see the UI prompt for the character's abilities shift from LB/RB to an overlay displaying the L1/R1 button on a PS4 controller. Sony has yet to officially comment on the matter, which likely will draw its own assumptions.

At this point, the only thing Sony can do is take their lumps and reach out to BioWare to arrange some sort of PS4 Pro demo for their own channel. Then again, knowing the internet, it might as well be a lost cause anyhow.

Anthem is BioWare Edmonton's latest project, which had previously been known as Dylan until it was officially unveiled during E3 2017. EA and BioWare also appear to be thinking long term about the game as a series, as they believe that it could be a "10-year journey" not unlike Bungie's Destiny.

Anthem will release on PC, PS4, and Xbox One sometime in 2018.

Sources: [Twitter, Gamespot