Sony sends out survey asking what PS4 features users want the most

There goes Sony again, dangling that carrot.

Sony has supported the PlayStation 4's release with a number of stability updates and new features for the system. Unfortunately, the new features that have been released aren't exactly what the PS4 community has been looking for.

For example, the last update brought the ability to follow verified accounts and new stickers — it wasn't what most would consider a stellar update. Sony might have taken a cue from the community's response to the update, considering that they have sent out a survey asking PS4 users what they want the most.

According to the survey obtained by NeoGAF user Saint of Killers, Sony once again wants to know what features you want. The survey lists a number of heavy hitters, like, changing your PSN ID, adding folders, using custom backgrounds and oddly enough – a store wish list. The wish list is only odd because the feature was added last week.

Sony PS4 Survey

You might notice that 'backwards compatibility' isn't listed as a feature, that's because Sony isn't interested in pursuing it – they have other things that offer that feature.

The following portion of the survey asks when users would expect the PlayStation 4's next big update.

Sony Survey

The answer is simple, if the update has the new features… ASAP.

Back in July, the upset PS4 community gathered together for the #BetterPSN social media campaign. The Intention behind the campaign was to show Sony what the community really wanted. Alternately, Sony launched the PlayStation Blog Share site long before the campaign with the aim of finding out how to improve PlayStation products.

So, it seems as though the community has been telling Sony about the features they want for quite a while… After so long, it's hard to imagine that the features will ever release. 
